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2003-02-01 & 10:11 p.m.

Gay Porn Rocks




Well guess who's watching Lord Of The Rings for the 61st time? Geekorama.

I'm going through a rough spell here. Just not sleeping well at all. Cranky, irritable. He's away a lot for work. I hate that. I know it's not normal for me to be so irritable when he has to go out and actually work. I feel useless. Etc.

Ok, now that that's over with, let's talk about something. I have gas. Again. I forgot to take my herbal supplement that tames the methane madness.

What else? Haven't had sex since that last entry where I said we had sex and he lasted but a minute, leaving me feeling...oh I don't know, empty. Lonely. We just go to bed and go to sleep. He doesn't cuddle up anymore. But neither do I. Very tired. I just need to feel again.

Don't think I'm making any sense here. I took some medication that's supposed to make me drowsy and it's not working. It is, but it isn't.

I think I've finally gotten the horse sex picture out of my mind. What kind of state do you have to be in to want to have sex with a horse is beyond me. I was just looking up masturbation. How does animal sex fall into the category of "masturbation"? It's just ....ew.

And lets talk about porn for just a second. Gay porn is cool. The dudes have great bodies and are great looking. Margaret Cho made that same comment and I was like "Phew, I'm not the only one who likes gay porn." Just for the bods on those guys. Does anyone else like it? At least I know that someone sort of famous likes gay porn and will admit it onstage with her parents in the audience. That takes serious balls. I won't even admit it to my cat. She's sitting here on my lap. Don't get me wrong, I do not sit here all day and look at gay porn. Once in a great while I come across it.

Just unexpectedly. Yeah.

My ex used to download porn 24/7 and that is no joke. We had two phone lines and the one was always connected to the internet. Downloading porn. He had a lot of porn movies too. The guys in the regular porn movies are disgustingly icky. I wouldn't touch them with someone else's pussy kind of thing. And some of the pictures were like "wow. you like that?" He had pics of women using a baseball bat as a dildo. Can you say splinter's?

Yuk. I do not like regular porn. And I dont like my ex. I used to wake up from a dead sleep with his dick in my face. I could not just sit and watch TV without him wanting me to suck his dick.

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Oh geez. DELETE MEMORY! DELETE! Nothing worse than walking in on your parents doing it. Thing is, they didn't see me. And thank god for that. Bad bad bad memory. Parental units having sex. It was awful. I'm purging. I got that quiz from queenmofine's diary.

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