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2004-07-29 & 1:30 a.m.

Bitter party of 1

NO FUCKING WAY. I wrote this huge long ass entry and hit the fucking button and everything is fucking gone!


I can't breathe. He's in there sleeping his ass off and I can't breathe. Pregnancy and I do not fucking mix. I get huge. I'm huge like a whale. Gain weight all over. And I feel like I'm drowning everytime I lie down. And he's in there sleeping. A little bitter I am. Because I'm pregnant and unreasonable. But talk about a fucking vasectomy for 4 fucking years and do nothing about it. Just like the bills. Says he wants to get stuff paid off and he just doesn't seem to get the money to the right places until things get turned off.

So yes, you think after last time I'm going to go without birthcontrol in the odd event a sexual encounter takes place? Fuck, I used it religiously. And it fails. So here I am.

Don't tell me it's all going to be hearts and flowers because I know that babies are a good thing.

I just hate being pregnant. It is not beautiful. No matter what you read or try to talk yourself into. No, I will not make a bust of my stomach and sagging tits to adorn my living room. That is just wrong on too many levels and the women who do this or think it's cool...I just don't know what to think about you. I just think it's weird. You get pregnant. You go through 9 months of a complete body overhaul and then you have a child. The whole experience is not so flowery and wonderful. There's a lot of pain involved and not just during birth.

Don't even get me started on breastfeeding. Excruciating pain. And the pain does not get better like they say it does. It's as bad on week three as it was the first time. Fuck it hurts.

And then I'm suffocating. While everyone is sleeping peacefully. And I'm bitter about it.

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