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2003-03-13 & 11:04 p.m.

Group Death

Right now I can't get the archives to show up at all. I've changed templates a lot, so I know it's something I can do. I'll try and figure that one out. It just comes up as a blank screen. I'll look at it tomorrow.

I'm feeling pretty good today. The bleeding has mostly stopped. Just when I thought there was no way in hell it would. I have an appointment next Thursday since he is out of town. At the risk of sounding trite, thank you everyone for the virtual hugs and all the supportive words. I can't tell you how much that has helped me. It just has and I don't know what I would have done without it. I know I would have gotten through, but the extreme guilt has been lifted. I still feel a great deal of saddness.

I did talk about it with the shrink yesterday. She was as compassionate as anyone could be. She said with all the drugs I was taking at the time (legal prescriptions) she said she wondered about the embryo and what effect that would have had. That had also been a thought of mine and I'm glad she brought it up. I told her about the clinic I went to. She said she used to work at Group Health. They made a woman wait 11 weeks before they would do an abortion. It was all about money and nothing about patient care. Group Health's justification was that 30% of all pregnancies end in misscarriage by the end of the first trimester. So they wait to see if you spontaneously abort. Saves them money right there. Then if you don't, they injected some sort of kelp solution to make the uterus cramp up really bad. Then the next day you went in and had the abortion. I guess the kelp crap made the abortion easier surgically?

Group Health is commonly referred to around here as Group Death. HMO. All about saving money. When I had them, they wanted to do a pap smear every OTHER year. Cut costs.

Can you imagine? I mean you could always go somewhere else and pay the money instead of waiting 11 weeks. Just an interesting way of doing things, to say the least.

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