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2003-02-19 & 2:14 p.m.

More Clit stuff

Oh. Ok, I do have a hood. I just couldn't imagine a hood being that. Something to pierce. A hood sounds like something big and .... hooded. A covering of the whole area. That would be truly wierd huh? Flapping in the wind...

And talk about the re-occurring bacterial vaginitis. Ouch. Ouch. It's ok to talk about it. The symptoms. The itchiness. White discharge. The wanting to take a wire brush to yourself. Oh wait, that's a yeast infection.

Seriously, the best part of any diary are the comments. I sit here and laugh like a stupid-head and he wonders what is so funny. You have to go to the GB entry and see the person who wrote they couldn't believe they were too much of a pussy to put their name there. WHY?

I was trying to leave the "my personal clitoris" woman a note, but I can't get the page to load today. I tried yesterday and it was blank. I'll try an email later.

***Hooded? Yes. No.***

*Something is up with my profile. It's listing people twice. I do not know why. Only that I changed it. If you were on and not now, you know I fucked it up. And Wyld! I still can't get to your page. Damnit all.

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