
Erin - 2003-12-16 01:49:35
Woah! We all need to be reading "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation: The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology of Sex" by Olivia Judson! It's a quick read, a fun read, and really something that anybody who thinks that the "men roam, women nest" thing is determined by genetics! Anything to do with determining human behavior via genetics should be taken with a HUGE grain of salt, especially when the behavior in question is so complex! The misconceptions that scientists have perpetrated about sexual behavior just during the last 130-140 years are mind-boggling. Dr. Tatiana is a *wonderful* antidote to a lot of very traditional & patriarchal evolutionary biology. Plus - like I said - totally fun!
prostituee - 2003-12-16 02:39:30
Oh my god I have to read this.
Michael - 2003-12-16 03:59:11
Hey there. My names Michael and Im a gay 15 year old from Australia. I thought I would let you know that myself and quite a few of my school friends read your diary and discuss it at school. I really like the way you write because my best friend and I have a really close relationship in which we talk openly about her period and all the other things that affect us. Anywayz I just thought I'd say hello and yeah, I hope you get better and everything. Love Michael. xoxox.
prostituee - 2003-12-16 05:16:34
No way. That just about knocked me over. Discuss this at school? No way. Really? I'm happy that you've found a huge part of yourself at age 15. My in law didn't really out herself until age 19-20 and I know she had really difficult years, especially around age 15-16. I don't think she knew exactly what was going on, or did but didn't want to admit it maybe? It's also great that you have a close relationship with someone...right now I don't have that and would love to have someone to tell all my shit to. Dudes! Thanks so much
Milyssa - 2003-12-16 07:15:27
now i totally want to talk to my kids (okay not that i have any!) about puberty and sex and periods and everything out in the open, too. i think it's cool you talk about it with your girls in front of your husband, you're right, there's nothing to be ashamed of! natural stuff happening :)
Daphne - 2003-12-16 10:41:30
Hmmm would reading Reviving Ophelia help? I know they did a second book to that one too where the girls actually put in essays about their problems in the modern day and that was good too, but the title escapes me. Anyway, Reviving is a pretty decent book about the problems of being a teenager and my dad read it with me when I was about 15 in hopes that we could have some mutual perspectives on things. I get kind of nervous about knowing how sexual kids are at a young age now, I mean my sister is 12 and I want to buy her a copy of Our Bodies Ourselves for her next Bday but I think that mom might see her as too young, when she really isn't. It bothers me too, but I am glad that you are going the route my father went when fully eduating me at a young age.
lenarose - 2003-12-16 13:14:30
Off subject, but this is the best place I can think of for advice. I was thinking of surprising the BF this Christmas with sexy underwear (for me, not him) since... well, I'm habitually naked. Have any of y'all got suggestions on the type of thing that looks good on a curvy but also somewhat plump girl? (We really do look best naked, unfortunately.)
prostituee - 2003-12-16 16:56:13
You're cracking me up! Guys always like thongs. Or seem to. Lane Bryant has great thongs that won't cut you in half when you bend over. Fredricks (the cheeseball place) also has some good underwear...they have these nice garter belts. Sizes seem to run large with them.
prostituee - 2003-12-16 16:59:42
Oh yeah and the garter the skirt kind, are stretchy and I LOVE strech stuff.
prostituee - 2003-12-16 17:01:42
Stretch stuff. I think i look hideous in garter belt stuff but guys always get turned on. Go figure.
Tania - 2003-12-16 20:41:02
I want a garter belt so bad, but all the ones i try rub on my poor lil thighs. In Australia, we have a really limited selection unless i want to pay a couple hundred for one. It sucks. Back to my vstrings i guess
the tooth fairy - 2003-12-17 02:51:15
HEY to all you australians.. they are bringing out garter belts and stuff in kmart. i have to try them one day but i wouldnt know how the hell to wear it. hmm.
zoe - 2003-12-17 15:14:54
well, i'm sixteen so i'm at a point where i'm not really planning on having kids anytime soon... or ever, but my mum says a lot of girls and younger women say they'll never have kids and then decide later that they do want kids... anyway. if i do have children (and they happen to be female) i'd like to be able to be open with them about menstruation & so on. my mum never talked about it to me. like, ever. everything i knew i learned from books and in school, and now she wonders why i'm uncomfortable talking with her about it... *shakes head* i don't think it should be something that girls have to keep a secret... heh. cunt o' death. hehehe.
lenarose - 2003-12-17 15:55:58
Woo! Thank you! Knew I could count on you. :) The stretchy garter skirt thing looks exactly Boyfriend's taste, and I didn't even know such things existed.
the tooth fairy - 2003-12-17 19:34:39
i remember a night way back when i was like 9 or 10 or possibly even younger... when my mummy sat me down and we talked about sex, condoms and periods. i even had a little toiletry bag to take with me everywhere (school and such) that had spare knickers, panty liners and pads, incase i got my period, everyday i would wonder when i'd get it or today would be the day! now i talk to my mum about anything (except sex and willies, yet!!)........birth control, boobs, periods, vaginas...... bottoms and the like! i'm very open when i talk to her. my dad is another story tho.

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